
Cuddy Cudworth


Monkey Mind Relaxation

With Cuddy Cudworth

‘Monkey Mind Relaxation’ is about helping clients understand their emotions and not letting clients thoughts and emotions control them. Once we upgrade and retrain our mindset that is where true happiness can be created. A truly powerful tool for anyone in making positive changes in your life is working with mindset and thoughts. Cuddy also co-hosts the Digital Radio Show The Meaning of life with Graham Nicholls.

My Name is Cuddy Cudworth, Ceo and founder of and host of Digital Radio Show and Podcast Chatter about the Chatter. A Transformational Lifecoach trained and certified in Cognitive Behavior Therapy and NLP.
Cuddy works one on one and in groups to assist clients to overcome Depression, Anxiety, Stress and Negative thoughts.
‘Monkey Mind Relaxation’ is about helping clients understand their emotions and not letting clients thoughts and emotions control them.

Once we upgrade and retrain our mindset that is where true happiness can be created.
A truly powerful tool for anyone in making positive changes in your life is working with mindset and thoughts.
Cuddy also co-hosts the Digital Radio Show The Meaning of life with Graham Nicholls.

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