
Oliver Mammon


The ABC of CBD

Presented by Oliver Mammon

The show aims to help you navigate through the complex, convoluted, contradictory and partially misleading world of CBD, cannabinoids and eventually cannabis. Hopefully shining a bright light on the information you need to know, to find the products that are right for you. When I have an issue, I know what I need because of my experience, I want you to have the same understanding, without the long tedious journey […]

“Hello, I am Oliver Mammon. Lab director and head of product design at Taylor Mammon, I call my self an “infusionologist”. My job is to create Cannabinoid products that work, products with a purpose.

My journey with CBD started when I couldn’t find what I needed to treat myself. I felt lost. Accurately dosed products did not exist. Transparency from suppliers didn’t exist. Reliable and consistent products did not exist. So I decided to start making my own.

Unfortunately for many people, this lack of traceability remains to be the case.

Over the last few years, Taylor Mammon has had an incredible journey, bringing the CBD market, a transparent service. Whilst providing the people we serve, with products they can rely on. Our ethos is all about the end-user. Because we are also an end-user.

For me it is really about understanding the ingredients & product, I have always been lab-based, I create mathematically accurate recipes, products with a purpose and products people can rely on. This has given me my understanding of cannabinoids and their application. Having spent over 20,000 hours in my lab, experimenting and fiddling this is now officially more than a hobby.”

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